BGST Centres

The 21st century is marked by rapid change and growing complexity presenting significant global challenges. In churches, Pastors grapple with declining congregations while juggling pastoral care, mentoring, and the demands of weekly worship services and ministry. These factors amplify the challenge of discipling and equipping Christians for the modern marketplace.

BGST understands these challenges and believes that churches play a crucial role in empowering Christians to become agents of transformation in their workplaces, churches, and communities.

To actively support churches in this important mission, BGST is expanding beyond its postgraduate focus to establish itself as a Learning and Development Nexus for churches. Our goal is to offer educational resources and development pathways, enabling church leaders and pastors to focus on other essential aspects of their ministries. This development will see BGST launching 3 new centres in the second half of 2024.

Find out more about our BGST Centres below:

BGST believes that Christian marketplace leaders must not only be theologically and spiritually mature but also have the competencies and skills to lead well in their workplaces.

The same applies to church leaders who are required to have the competencies to lead and organise their churches to disciple marketplace Christians well. That is, to provide organisational leadership for discipleship.

To achieve these aspirations, CCL will establish itself as a Leadership Learning and Development Nexus for Churches by providing the Foundational Leadership Training and Elective Courses that equips Christian leaders to lead effectively and strategically at church and at work.

CCL also seeks to collaborate between industry practitioners and theologians to foster research and publications that will help marketplace Christians integrate their faith at work.

Click to visit the Centre for Christian Leadership

What is the value of deep knowledge in theology, excellent pastoral skills, or activism if there is not a well-formed heart to guide a well-formed life? Henri Nouwen, a respected priest and author, ponders the importance of spiritual formation.

At BGST, we firmly believe that robust spiritual formation serves as the cornerstone for effective self-leadership among both church and marketplace leaders.

Our Centre for Spiritual Formation hopes to serve as the nurturing heart space where individuals establish a firm foundation in their identity in God. When touched by the depth of God’s love within our hearts, we come to embrace our belovedness, enabling us to recognize the belovedness in others and inspiring us to love and serve them in turn.

To that end, CSF seeks to enhance Christians’ interpersonal leadership skills through a wide range of spiritual formation courses, programmes, retreats, and practicums. We also offer spiritual care and direction for Christians through a panel of certified Spiritual Directors. Lastly, we curate rich and relevant literature and media on spiritual formation for marketplace leaders in collaboration with our Centre for Christian Leadership (CCL).

Click to visit the Centre for Spiritual Formation

BGST believes that we need a new season of partnerships where churches and seminaries must stand together as God’s mission partners to disciple effectively in an accelerated, complex world.

Churches (through pastors and church leaders) need to continue on-the-ground efforts in mentoring, developing leaders and daily discipleship, while our Centre for Equipping and Discipleship (CED) comes alongside churches in providing resources, pedagogy, and equipping.

In this way, the whole Church can grow in breadth and depth of discipleship, equipping lay Christians to engage our accelerated and complex world, bearing witness to the gospel in faithful and relevant ways.

CED aims to support Churches through it’s equipping ecosystem for marketplace discipleship and ministry. The equipping ecosystem provides a range of digital microlearning courses for churches, that can be deployed in small groups, adopted by individuals, and its also available to marketplace groups to subscribe.

Click to visit the Centre for Equipping & Discipleship

Click here to find out more about our current and upcoming courses


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BGST Centres


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