As Christians grow in our faith, we need to deepen and broaden our theological, spiritual and ministry skills formation so that we can berer integrate our faith to our work, church ministry and societal engagements.

BGST’s postgraduate curriculum is created to support this. You can do so either by taking a course, or one of our Graduate Certificates or Graduate Diplomas. Each of these courses and Graduate programmes are stackable and allows you to transfer your credits and progress to BGST’s Masters degrees. The aim always is to provide maximum flexibility for you to learn at your own pace and develop yourselves over time.



BGST’s Graduate Certificates are the shortest postgraduate programmes in our lifelong learning pathway. Each Graduate Certificate is structured to provide Christians with a broad-based understanding of Scripture, Christian Tradition, and Integrative Studies, and how these can be applied to enable Christians to integrate their faith with work, church, and society. Most importantly, Christians should also develop the basic skills of discerning God’s guidance in their life and decision making.

The Graduate Certificate allows students to start their learning from three areas of interest
  1. Biblical Studies
  2. Theological Studies
  3. Spiritual Formation

The goal of the programme is Personal Transformation.

All graduates should:

  • Have an introductory knowledge of Scripture, and Christian Traditions and Christian Spirituality, and Integrative Studies;
  • Have basic competencies in their certificate’s area of focus: Biblical Studies, Theological Studies, or Spiritual Formation;
  • Be able to draw insights from their learning to grow in Christ-likeness, discern their calling, and apply their learning to their personal lives.
Programme Duration, Stacking and Credit Transfer
Duration: 1 year Full-time
2 years Part-time
Graduate Certificates are stackable to: => GDCS / DipTS


=> MDiv

  • Note: With effect from AY2023, Graduate Certificate credit requirements have increased from 12 to 15 credits.



The Graduate Certificate in Biblical Studies (GCBS) is an excellent first step to berer understand the Bible. You will learn about Scripture, how to interact with, unpack and apply biblical history and teachings. Graduates of GCBS will acquire competencies in Biblical Studies, be equipped with an introductory knowledge of Scripture and Christian Spirituality, and be able to draw insights from these to grow in Christlikeness.

GCBS is right for you if:

  • You are looking for foundational programme to deepen your understanding of Scripture.
  • You would like to have a taste of theological training.
  • You are looking for a structured academic programme with some flexibility.

Total Credits Needed for GCBS Certification: 15 Credits


If you are looking to study Theology in a structured academic manner, the Graduate Certificate in Theological Studies (GCTS) is a good starting point. You will explore how to interpret Biblical texts; gain understanding of Christian History; apply theology in your everyday life, and form your own set of beliefs, values, and way of life that reflect the teachings of the Bible.

Graduates of GCTS will acquire competencies in Theological Studies, have an introductory knowledge of Scripture and Christian Tradition (including Spiritual Discernment), and be able to draw insights from these to grow in Christlikeness.

GCTS is right for you if:

  • You are interested in Christian history, spirituality and faith.
  • You would like to have a taste of theological training.
  • You are looking for a structured academic programme with some flexibility.

Total Credits Needed for GCTS Certification: 15 Credits


Christ has called us to cultivate a deeper and more intimate relationship with Him. Our spiritual formation, however, can be hindered in two ways. Some of us may be comfortable with understanding faith cognitively, but many wrestle with how imagination and emotions fit into Christian formation. Others may struggle to differentiate a human experience with an authentic encounter with God.

For these reasons, there is a crucial need for personal spiritual discernment and more importantly, co-discernment in community, and with experienced guides. Through the Graduate Certificate for Spiritual Formation (GCSF), BGST hopes to help Christians establish a biblical understanding of spiritual formation and how to apply it.

GCSF is right for you if:

  • You desire to grow and lead others in the journey of spiritual formation.
  • You are a leader already involved in a small group.
  • You are a marketplace Christian who aspires to bring spiritual formation into your workplace in creative ways.
  • You are a church ministry leader who want to be equipped to accompany fellow Christians in their spiritual journey.
  • You desire to be involved in inter-generational ministry as a spiritual guide.

Total Credits Needed for GCSF Certification: 15 Credits


The Graduate Diplomas build on the basic foundation laid by the Graduate Certificates. Each Graduate Diploma is aimed at developing students’ ability to flourish spiritually at work, and to help them begin engaging the concerns of their work, Church, and society.

All graduates should:

  1. Have a foundational knowledge of Scripture, Christian Traditions and Spirituality, and Integrative
  2. Be able to draw insights from their learning to grow in Christ-likeness, flourish spiritually at their workplaces, and to engage the concerns of contemporary culture and

Students can opt for either the Graduate Diploma in Christian Studies (GDCS) or the Diploma in Theological Studies (DipTS).

  1. GDCS is offered solely by Its curriculum emphases the students’ spiritual formation through practicums. It also develops their ability to apply their biblical and theological learning in their marketplaces by devoting 30% (9 credits) of its curriculum to Theological Application and Practice (TAP).
  2. DipTS is jointly offered by BGST and TTC. It provides students the flexibility of completing the programme by taking courses either at TTC or BGST (subject to specific guidelines). Students can also opt to take the entire DipTS in either TTC or BGST. TTC Courses are offered mainly in the day, while BGST courses are conducted during weekday evenings, Saturdays, or in Self-paced Learning (SPL) mode to provide additional flexibility to working students.

While most BGST students start with the Graduate Certificate, students can also be admired directly into the GDCS or DipTS Programmes.

Programme Duration, Stacking and Credit Transfer
Duration: 1 year Full-time

4 years Part-time (GDCS)

5 years Part-time (DipTS)

Graduate Diplomas are stackable to: => MATIS

=> MDiv

Credit transfer to TTC:

Up to 15 credits are transferable to TTC’s Bachelor of Divinity, or Master of Divinity programmes, subject to TTC’s validation process.


The Graduate Diploma in Christian Studies (GDCS) is designed to provide Christians in all walks of life with a foundational understanding of Christian faith, tradition and practice. It aims to help students reflect theologically, grow spiritually, and integrate their faith with all aspects of their lives, whether at home or at work, in church or in the public square.

The required courses introduce some of the main theological disciplines (such as Scripture, Hermeneutics, Systematic Theology, Church History, Christian Spirituality and Integrative Studies) as well as courses which address the practicalities of living for God in Asia in the 21st century.

GDCS is right for you if:

  • You want a comprehensive foundational programme to increase your knowledge of the Christian faith.
  • You are finding ways to reflect theologically, grow spiritually and integrate your faith with areas of work and living.
  • You are exploring ways to integrate your faith in the context of your culture and society.

Total Credits Needed for GDCS Accreditation: 30 Credits
ð Core Required Courses: 25.5 Credits
ð Elective Courses: 4.5 Credits

Students can take up to 3 credits of practicum credits (including CS102). A practicum course is graded pass or fail and will not contribute to the overall GPA of the programme. 


The Diploma in Theological Studies (DipTS) is a joint programme offered by BGST and Trinity Theological College (TTC). It is particularly designed for lay people and working professionals to help those who desire foundational but also high-quality theological education for either their own development or in preparation for serving as lay leaders in the Church. It can also be taken by those who desire to be involved in Christian ministries but are not intending to or yet to seek ordination.

Students can register for this programme at either BGST or TTC. Courses at TTC are offered mainly in the day, while courses offered at BGST are conducted during weekday evenings, Saturdays, or in Self-paced Learning (SPL) mode, to provide flexibility and accessibility to working students. DipTS credits are recognised and transferable to more advanced theological programmes at either BGST or TTC.

For credit transfers to TTC, up to 15 credits are transferable to TTC’s Bachelor of Divinity, or Master of Divinity Programmes, subject to TTC’s validation process.

DipTS is right for you if:

  • You want a comprehensive foundational programme to increase your knowledge of the Christian faith.
  • You are finding ways to reflect theologically, grow spiritually and integrate your faith with areas of work and life.
  • You are or will be serving as a lay leader in your church or in other ministries.

Total Credits Needed for DipTS Accreditation: 37 Credits (TTC) / 37.5 (BGST)
ð TTC Core Required Courses: 30 Credits
ð TTC Elective Courses: 7 Credits
ð BGST Core Required Courses: 30 Credits
ð BGST Elective Courses: 7.5 Credits

 Notes on DipTS Course RegistraAon:

  • Students taking Old Testament, New Testament, Theology and Church History core courses should take the courses in each course category entirely in either That is, if you take Old Testament 1 at TTC, you must complete Old Testament 2 with TTC. If you take History of Christianity 2 at BGST, you must complete History of Christianity 1 with BGST.
  • Students must take at least 60% of their courses with the school where they are enrolled
  • The elective requirements of BGST’s DipTS has been revised with effect from


The Master of Arts in Theology and Integrative Studies (MATIS) is our current flagship master’s degree for lay theological education. This programme develops the theological and integrative competencies of our Graduate Diploma graduates and their ability to apply their learning to engage their marketplaces. All graduates are:

  1. Competent in interpreting Scripture, Christian Traditions and Spirituality, and Integrative Studies, and integrating these learning
  2. Able to nurture themselves and others in Christ-likeness to live out their calling at work, church, and society.

To help our students apply their learning and develop their ministry skills, the MATIS devotes 35% (21 Cr) of its curriculum to Theological Application and Practice (TAP)

Ministry Research Project or Research Thesis Options

While students can complete their MATIS entirely by course work, they can also undertake a Ministry Research Project or a Research Thesis as part of their programme requirements. They can do so by devoting 6 credits of electives to their thesis. Specifically, they must first complete a Guided Study (1.5Cr) to understand and identify the scope of their project or thesis, before embarking on the project and thesis itself (4.5Cr). With this option, students should note that they will need to complete 1.5Cr more electives than what is required in the MATIS (4.5Cr).

  1. Ministry Research Project OR
Guided Study Elective 1.5 credits
Ministry Research Project (TH393) 4.5 credits
  1. Research Thesis
Guided Study Elective 1.5 credits
Ministry Research Project (TH393) 4.5 credits

Students can take up to 6 credits of practicum credits (including CS102 and other Ministry Skills elective). A practicum course is graded pass or fail and will not contribute to the overall GPA of the programme. Practicum courses will be indicated in the Course Schedule when offered.

Note: MATIS used to be called Master of Arts in Theology and Inter-disciplinary Studies. The term ‘Integrative’ has now been adopted instead. ‘Integrative’ allows for some disciplines to be more important than others. The use of this term enables BGST to emphasise that while (i) robust theological application requires one to become inter-disciplinary, (ii) the Bible remains primary discipline out of the many.

MATIS is renamed from and replaces MCS. Both degrees are accredited by the Asian Theological Association. MCS graduates are not required to exchange their degrees.

MATIS graduates will be competent in engaging Scripture, Christian Tradition (including Church History, and Spiritual Discernment) and Integrative Studies. They will learn to nurture themselves and others in Christ-likeness to live out their calling in the Church and the marketplace.

MATIS is right for you if:

  • You are in the marketplace and want to grow your understanding of the Christian faith.
  • You are looking for comprehensive theological training with both depth and breadth.
  • You are exploring leadership roles in your church and in other ministries

Programme Duration, Stacking and Credit Transfer


2 year Full-time
6 Years Part-Time

MATIS is stackable to: MDiv

Total Credits Needed for MATIS Accreditation: 60 Credits

ð Core Required Courses: 855.5 Credits
ð Elective Courses: 4.5 Credits


The Master of Divinity (MDiv) builds on the MATIS competencies to develop our students into skilled pastoral leaders, capable of leading churches and Christian communities. Its specific aims are two-fold: (a) to enable our MATIS graduates to stack up their ministry and pastoral skills training and prepare for the pastoral vocation; and (b) to provide them with the biblical language competencies and a range of pastoral skills to minister effectively.

All MDiv graduates are:

  1. Skilled pastoral leaders who effectively expound Scripture and Christian traditions, and to draw on integrative studies for leading their churches and
  2. Able to nurture themselves and lead others in Christ-likeness to live out their calling at work, church, and society.

The Biblical language requirement for MDiv is for 1.5 years (9 credits) of studies in either Biblical Hebrew (BH111, BH112, and BH211 / BH212) or Biblical Greek (BG111, BG112, and BG211 / BG212). Students also have the option to take a combination track where they take any 9 credits of BH 111, BH 112, BG 111 / BG 112. It is recommended for students to commence EITHER Biblical Hebrew or Biblical Greek early in their programme of studies.

To equip our students with the ability to apply their learning and engage their stakeholders winsomely, 40% (36 credits) of the MDiv is devoted to Theological Application and Practice (TAP).

Students can take up to 9 credits of practicum credits (including CS102, CS112 / CO101 and other Ministry Skills practicum courses). A practicum course is graded pass or fail and will not contribute to the overall GPA of the programme.

MDiv is right for you if:

You are looking for a robust programme with breadth and depth to be berer equipped to serve.

You want to be more thoroughly equipped as a pastoral leader.

You are considering a leadership position within your church or in other ministries.

Total Credits Needed for MDiv Accreditation: 90 Credits

ð Core Required Courses: 84 Credits
ð Elective Courses: 6 Credits



While theological training requires a robust intellectual study of Scripture, Tradition, and Integrative Studies, it should be augmented with an emphasis on how the intellectual learning can be applied to the students’ and their communities’ day to day lives. For this reason, practicum training is emphasised in BGST’s curriculum.

Types of Practicum Courses
There are 3 types of practicum courses in BGST: MDiv Field Education (MS/CM311), some Christian Spirituality courses (e.g., CS102, CS105 and CS115) and some Ministry Skills courses. All Practicum courses are graded Pass or Fail.

Some practicum courses are compulsory. CS102, for example, is required in all Graduate Credits. So are Field Education and Spiritual Care and Direction (CS112) / Basic Counselling Skills (CO101) for the MDiv programme. Others are offered as electives.

Students planning to take GDCS, MATIS or MDiv should note that the sum total of their practicum credits cannot be more than 3, 6 and 9 credits respectively.

Programme Compulsory Practicum Courses AddiAonal PracAce Credits Allowed
GDCS CS 102 (1.5 Cr) 1.5 Cr
MATIS CS 102 (1.5 Cr) 4.5 Cr
MDiv CS 102 (1.5 Cr)

MS/CM 311 (1.5 Cr)

CS 112 / CO 101 (3 Cr)

3 Cr


  1. Christian Spirituality Practicum Courses
    Christian Spirituality and Formation is a key emphasis in BGST’s training. We provide a wide range of courses (such as CS101, CS211 and CS212) to help our students deepen their love for God. Students who complete them will be awarded course credits.The school recognises, however, that spiritual growth requires more than just an intellectual study of the Christian spiritual traditions. More importantly, students must engage in spiritual disciplines and prayer on a prolonged period, oxen guided by a spiritual mentor. For this reason, some of our Christian Spirituality courses are offered as practicum credits (e.g., CS102).
  2. Ministry Skills Practicum Courses
    To become effective ambassadors of Christ, students must not only develop their theological competency and learn how to apply these at work and church, but also develop the skills of engaging their communities in a winsome manner. This requires ministry skills training that, sometimes, require prolonged practice rather than essay writing. For example, learning how to facilitate conversations, coaching or counselling. For these reasons, some ministry skill electives will be offered as practicum credits.


We live in a disruptive and complex world, where the challenges and concerns of our marketplaces  change rapidly.

To help Christians integrate and apply their faith continually, BGST offers an extensive lifelong learning pathway. Students can start from short 2-hour micro-learning courses or 1-4 months long leadership or spiritual formation modules. They can also equip themselves through our modular postgraduate courses, which are stackable from our Graduate Certificates to our Master of Divinity programmes.

Holistic Curriculum
To equip Christians to become ambassadors for Christ in their marketplaces, BGST offers a Holistic curriculum that forms them theologically, spiritually, and in their ministry skills.

Theological Formation
Developing the ability to interpret and obey Scripture, understand our rich Christian traditions, and apply their learning in their diverse marketplaces.

Spiritual Formation
Cultivating an intimate relationship with Christ, motivated by God’s love, and discern His Spirit’s guidance as they work, serve, and lead in their marketplaces.

Ministry Skills Formation
Acquiring the skills to lead well, communicate effectively, and minister winsomely as they engage the concerns of their marketplaces.

Adaptive Learning Approaches
BGST’s adaptive educational approaches are designed to equip Ambassadors for Christ as they work, serve, and live out their faith in their marketplaces.

BGST adopts a range of learning modes, from ‘live’ classes (both in-person or online), blended learning, or self-paced online learning. ‘Live’ classes are offered during evenings or Saturday weekends. Classes are modular and stackable towards accredited programmes.

BGST adopts different adult learning approaches – including case studies, group projects, mentoring, coaching and spiritual direction – to help our students apply their learning to their marketplaces.

BGST devotes two-thirds of every course and curriculum to content learning, and the remaining one-third to Theological Application and Practice (TAP), that is, learning how to engage church ministry, marketplace concerns, and contemporary societal issues.




The minimum requirement for entry to any BGST’s postgraduate programme is a Bachelor’s Degree from a recognised institution or the equivalent with a minimum GPA of 2.5 out of a possible 4.0. The personal and spiritual aspects of the applicant will also be considered. Decisions made will be based upon the whole application.

Those who do not possess a first degree may sign up for any Graduate Certificate or credit courses as ‘Non-Programme Students’. Non-Programme Students can later transfer their credits to the Graduate Certificate. To graduate from the Graduate Certificate, they must obtain an average grade of B- for their BGST courses. Upon graduation, they will be eligible to apply for any higher BGST programmes. For admission details, pls refer to the Admissions Application Form.


Students can register for ENGAGE Modules and Certificates without prior academic qualifications. Should they intend to transfer their ENGAGE modules and certificates to a Postgraduate Programme, they will have to abide by the postgraduate requirements.


International Students intending to be a Programme Student are required to observe these requirements.

Before admission to studies at BGST all international applicants who are not native English speakers must submit, with their application, an official International English Language Testing System (Academic English) (IELTS) or Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) score. Applicants must obtain a 550 (paper-based test), 213 (computer-based test) or 78 (Internet-based test) for TOEFL. Alternatively, they must obtain a minimum score of 6.0 for IELTS. Scores, not more than two years old, should be submitted to the Registrar from the Test Centre. Information about the tests and the location of test centres may be obtained from and

Upon acceptance, we will send a set of the Student Pass Application Forms to the student. Acceptance into BGST does not include automatic issue of a Student Pass by the Immigration and Checkpoints Authority of Singapore. A Student Pass will only be granted to a student enrolled full-time at an institution. The Student Pass application must be submitted at least two months and not more than six months from the course commencement date.


Students who have completed theological training of a level comparable to that of BGST may be able to transfer credits of their coursework obtained from their previous institutions. Alternatively, they may be granted exemptions from BGST required courses on the basis of such previously completed course-work. All transfers or exemptions must be specially applied for. There are no automatic transfers or exemptions. Applications should be made in writing to the Registrar, and must be accompanied by the relevant transcripts and other documentation. Students may transfer up to 50% of the credits required by their programme, subjected to the discretion and approval of BGST.


As soon as ALL application papers are received, the application will be processed and potential students will be notified of their admission status. A student whose application is incomplete may enroll in a first course but should make every effort to complete the application process as soon as possible. If the student is not admired into a programme, the student will be considered a Non- programme Student. Applicants accepted into BGST Programme study need to register for courses.

Before registering for courses, students may consult their faculty advisors concerning programme requirements and course offerings. However, the responsibility remains solely upon the student to ensure all programme requirements are fulfilled.


BGST students are classified as follows:


Most students typically study at BGST on a part-time basis. If students take up 9 or more credits in a semester, they will be considered as a student with full-time load.


These are students who wish to take up studies leading to a BGST’s Graduate Certificate, Diploma or Master. Students may enroll on a full-time or part-time basis.


Non-programme Students – These are students who wish to take courses, in areas of interests to them, without enrolling into the Graduate Certificate, Diploma or Master programmes. If a student wishes to become a programme student later, he/she may do so by going through a Programme Admissions Application.


International students refer to any student who is not a Singapore Citizen or a Singapore Permanent Resident, intending to study at BGST. International students on a student pass are automatically considered as full-time students. They must fulfil a minimum of 15 credits per semester.


Most students start with 1-2 courses in one semester. On average, students need to devote 7.5 hours each week for a 3-credit class. Over a semester, the time commitment for a 3-credit course is:

Lectures: 30 hours
Required Readings, Assignments, Tutorials, Exams (if any): 90 hours
Total: 120 hours

You can adjust the number of courses to take, depending on the availability of your time and commitments. If you are in a programme study, please see the required course credits to fulfil for your programme. Each programme has a maximum duration for completion.


BGST programmes can be taken either full-time or part-time over an extended number of years. The maximum period of completion of programmes, depending on the nature of commitment are:

Full-time Part-time Credits
GCBS | GCTS | GCSF 1 year 2 years 15
GDCS 1 year 4 years 30
DipTS 1.5 years 5 years 37
MATIS 2 years 6 years 60
MDiv 3 Years 8 years 90


If you require a leave of absence, possibly due to:

  1. Work re-location or significant workload issue;
  2. Unforeseen family commitments; or
  3. Health issues, e.g., surgery, illnesses

You can write to BGST for a Leave of Absence from your study for up to a period of 6 months. This would be subject to case-by-case review and approval.


The Course Schedule for each semester is publicised in May (for Semester 1 courses) and November (for Semester 2 courses) on the BGST Programmes and Courses (BPC) site


Please visit our courses site to learn which courses are offered for Live or SPL:


BGST adapts to the “Open University” principle to theological education with the learning modes described below. Please refer to Course Registration for more details.


These are lectures and tutorials conducted live in person or live via an online format, e.g., zoom. For Live courses, registration should preferably be done at least two weeks before the course begins.


This is primarily self-directed learning. Lectures may be in audio or visual format. Each student will have a tutor assigned for each SPL course. Students may register for SPL at anytime and are allowed to set their own time frame and pace of study. Students are to note that all audio-visual materials of the course must be viewed and listened to, and all assignments completed within 6 months from the registration of the course. Students may take up to 50% of the total credits required by their programme in the form of SPL.


Students may convert from Live course to SPL or vice versa by submitting a Learning Mode Course Change Form, giving reason(s) for the change.


Audit students do not have to fulfil the assignment requirements. However, they are encouraged to do class exercises and assignments to get the maximum benefit from the courses. They will not receive grades that are transferable to BGST Postgraduate Programmes.

Credit Course students are required to complete all the course assignments by the stated deadline.They will receive grades that are transferable to any BGST postgraduate programmes.


When you take a course for audit, you may upgrade your course from Audit to Credit anytime throughout the course upon payment of the fee difference. You may also change from Credit to Audit due to work commitment or other constraints. This, however, must be done by the end of the first session, beyond which there will be no refund for the fee difference. An administrative charge of $50 will be incurred for the change. All Credit-Audit course changes are to be made through the Admin Office with a Course Change Form.

For credit students, there are two deadlines for submission of assignments. Should you miss both deadlines, your course will be converted from credit to audit with no impact on your GPA.


BGST course curriculum is organised around the following course types.


For programme study, a number of core courses are required to be taken. These courses are usually foundational in nature and aim to introduce a particular area of study. The number of core courses increases as one moves from the diploma to master programmes. Core courses are usually 3 credit courses


For each programme, a certain number of credits is allocated to elective courses. Students have complete freedom as to which courses they will take as electives. Depending on programme, allocated number of elective credits are required to be attained. Electives courses are usually 1.5 credit courses.


Students are given the opportunity to pursue areas of personal interests, provided a faculty member is available to supervise the studies. These guided courses carry 1.5 credits each.


Students who intend to work on a Research Thesis or Ministry Research Project must first complete the Guided Study in the topic relevant to the thesis or project. These carry 4.5 credits each.


These courses (e.g., Field Education) may stretch over periods longer than one semester. Special regulations apply for these. Details will be provided for such courses.


Assignments can be in the form of Essays, Book Reviews, Project Presentations, Prayer Practicums, etc. Guidelines for assignment submissions include guidelines for

  1. Assignment Format
  2. Bibliographical Format, and
  3. How to Write Them

Information about Style Guide, Paper Submission Formats and Research Thesis and Ministry Research Projects details will all be provided in the onboarding micro-learning course. Please refer to the – Welcome to BGST – onboarding course for details.


Most assignment deadlines are due 3 months after the last lecture. Details of the deadline are specified in the course syllabus of each course.

For all credit students, the deadline for submission of assignments is 3 months from the first day of the month following the last lecture / online session. Credit students who missed the 1st deadline, may submit their assignments no later than the end of the 6th month, but will incur a penalty of one third of a grade on the late assignment.

For all international students who are on a student pass, the deadline for submission of assignments is 1 month from the 1st day of the month following the last lecture. International students may continue to submit assignments no later than the end of the 2nd month, but they will incur a penalty of one third of a grade on the late assignments.

After this 2nd deadline (2 months for international students, 6 months for all other students), the course will be converted to Audit Course status automatically.



Grade Marks Grade Point Remark
A+ 95 4.0 Excellent
A 90 4.0
A- 88 3.75
B+ 85 3.5 Good
B 80 3.0
B- 78 2.75 Adequate
C+ 75 2.5
C 70 2.0 Weak Pass
C- 68 1.75
D+ 65 1.5 Inadequate
D 60 1.0
F < 60 0.0 Fail



Grade Point Award Remark
3.75 cum laude with praise
3.85 magna cum laude with great praise
3.95 summa cum laude with highest praise


Updates of academic records are issued by the Registrar’s Office at the end of each semester. Official transcripts bearing the seal of BGST may be issued upon receipt of a completed Transcript Application Form and the related fee. There should be no outstanding fees in order for transcripts to be issued.


BGST’s Convocation is held in May each year. To be eligible for graduation, a student must have:

  1. Satisfactorily completed all requirements for the programme by the end of
  2. Submitted a completed Application for Graduation Form to the Registrar’s Office by March 31 for the intended year of graduation.
  3. No outstanding payments due to BGST.
  4. Met the minimum academic Grade Point Average (GPA) accordingly:
Programme GPA minimum
GDCS | DipTS 2.8
MDiv 3.0


Should you have questions that might not have been addressed, please write to us at or visit our FAQ page here:


You can enrol in a BGST programme or course at any time. However, please be mindful of the specific deadlines for course registrations.

If you’re uncertain about committing to a BGST program, you have the option to enrol in a course as a Non-Programme Student. Upon registration, you can choose to participate in the course either as an audit student or as a credit student. Further details can be found under the Audit | Credit Course section.

While many students choose to kickstart their BGST journey by registering for individual courses, we strongly encourage you to consider beginning with our shortest programme: the Graduate Certificate. Enrolling in a program not only streamlines your learning experience but also provides a structured timeline for completing your learning milestones.


  1. Decide if you would like to register as an Audit Student, Credit Student, or Programme Student. BGST’s Library membership is mandatory for students enrolling in our Postgraduate programmes and credit courses. This is optional for audit students.
  2. If you have decided to register for Audit Courses, sign up for the student membership here. Optionally, you can apply for Library membership here.
  3. If you have decided to register for Credit courses or a Programme, you can sign up for both the student and Library membership here.
  4. If you are unsure which course to take, register for our Oikos Package, which will not only provide you with our library membership, but also a $150 course voucher which you can apply to any course during the academic year.
  5. Once Student Membership and Library Membership (if applicable) have been subscribed, you can proceed to our Courses page or Programmes page to register accordingly.

Audit Courses & Credit Courses

Audit Course students do not have to fulfil the assignment requirements. However, they are encouraged to do class exercises and assignments to get the maximum benefit from the courses. They will not receive grades that are transferable to BGST Postgraduate Programmes.

Credit Course students are required to complete all the course assignments by the stated deadline. They will receive grades that are transferable to any BGST postgraduate programmes.

Audit-Credit Course Conversion
When you take a course for audit, you may upgrade your course from Audit to Credit anytime throughout the course upon payment of the fee difference. You may also change from Credit to Audit due to work commitment or other constraints. This, however, must be done by the end of the first session, beyond which there will be no refund for the fee difference. An administrative charge of $50 will be incurred for the change. All Credit-Audit course changes are to be made through the Admin Office with a Course Change Form.

For credit students, there are two deadlines for submission of assignments. Should you miss both deadlines, your course will be converted from credit to audit with no impact on your GPA.



Financing your Education

To keep the cost of our students’ education affordable, 80% of our ministry is funded through donations as a charity. During the course of their studies, students will pay fees including annual student fees, course fees and miscellaneous fees, such as graduation fees. Foreign students residing in Singapore are expected to finance their own accommodation costs and living expenses.

Tuition, Fees, & Expenses

To participate in BGST’s learning community, all students must pay an annual Student Membership subscription at the start of each Academic Year in July. Programme students and those taking courses on credit are also required to pay an annual Library Membership fee.

 Please visit for the full list of applicable fees in addition to the Course Fees and Programme Fees.

BGST Fees: Summary

BGST Fees (in addition to course fees)

Payment of all applicable fees can be made here.

Course Fees

The course fees for audit and credit courses are as follows:

Payment of all applicable fees can be made here.

BGST Programme Fees

Programme Fees
GCBS $3,600
GCTS $3,600
GCSF $3,600
GDCS $6,600
DipTS $8,100
MATIS $12,600 or $14,000 (incl. ENGAGE Leadership Certificate)
MDiv 20,000 (incl. ENGAGE Leadership Certificate)

ENGAGE Ministry Skills Formation Fees

ENGAGE Leadership Certificate For MATIS And MDiv Programmes

MDiv students are required to take either the ENGAGE Certificate in Pastoral or Lay Leadership (ECPL or ECLL). Each Certificate costs $2,300 and offsets 4.5 credit of leadership electives. MATIS students can take the same certificate to fulfil their Ministry Skills elective requirements.

Other ENGAGE Courses And Modules

BGST often collaborate with industry practitioners and executive trainers to develop ENGAGE Ministry Skills Formation Courses and Modules. Such training incorporates psychometric profiling, one-to-one coaching or spiritual mentoring and other practicums. For these reasons, ENGAGE module fees vary according to the nature of the modules.

Payment of all applicable fees can be made here.

The spouse of a full-time student in any programme (i.e., one registered for at least 9 credits for the current semester) pays the following fees for courses registered within the same semester:

Up to 3 credits (audit) Complimentary
Up to 6 credits (credit) 50% of course fees

This is applicable only for course fees. The spouse must go through the regular registration procedures and payment for all other expenses.

Payment of all applicable fees can be made here.

Student Membership

Christians can participate in our learning community in different ways. By signing up as a Student Member ($50 p.a),
you can visit and use our physical library for your personal learning and work.

As a student, you can also deepen your learning by registering for

1. Library Membership ($150 p.a) which will give you borrowing access to more than 1.5 million digital and physical books.
2. BGST Courses as audit students, where you learn at your own pace, without the pressure of completing assignments.
If you are up to it, sign up as a credit or programme student, where you can learn more deeply through one of our programmes or courses.

Next Steps

Begin by signing up for BGST’s Student Membership here.

If you are ready to register up for a course, sign up for both the student and Library memberships here.

If you are unsure which course to take, register for our Oikos package, which will not only provide you with our library membership,
but also a $150 course voucher which you can apply to any course during the academic year.

Note: From AY2023 onwards, the programme admission and upgrading fees will be phased out in lieu of the student membership.

BGST Community Network

You can also join the BGST Community Network which is open to new and existing students, and also our graduates. It is led by the BGST Collective which organises regular community building events and mentoring support for our students and alumni. To join the BGST Community, email:

Join the BGST COmmunity

Please click on the follow link to view our Prospectus:

Prospectus AY2024

Payment is via credit/debit card.

Live classes are held either online via Zoom or on-site at BGST. Please see our Course Schedule for details.

Your grade will not be affected as your assignments determine your grades (unless class attendance is factored into your grade – please check your Course Synopsis). However, there will not be make-up classes. We trust that if a student has committed to an evening class in time and money, he / she must have a valid reason for not being able to make it for class. As and when possible, e.g., in a zoom class, the class can be recorded for the students to review.

Students enrolled online have access to (1) Digital Theological Library (DTL), and (2) Overdrive Digital Library (ODL). When you sign up as an SPL credit student, you will be required to pay the student fee for online students (SF-PCS) to access these digital resources.

Digital library access, under Educational Resources, is an annual subscription that starts every July 1st and runs from July 1st to Jun 30th the following year. The fees are $150 each year. You can subscribe to it here.

For an annual fee of $50, you can register your membership here.

Yes, several BGST alumni have transferred BGST credits to Regent College in the past. You may transfer up to 50% of the credits required for Regent’s MA, subject to their specific course requirements.

We allow credit transfers from some schools. We will need to review your transcripts to determine if your credits are transferable to BGST.

Please write to and we will reply you as soon as we can.

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BGST Centres


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