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Dr Tan Seng Kong

Lecturer in Christian Theology & Spiritual Formation


Seng Kong heads BGST’s Shared Services. He is our Lecturer in Christian Theology and Spiritual Formation. A graduate from Regent College, Vancouver (MA, Spiritual Theology). Seng Kong completed his PhD in Systematic Theology at Princeton Theological Seminary, where he focused his research on Jonathan Edwards’ Doctrine of Salvation. Seng Kong was formerly an architect. He currently serves at Bethel Assembly of God. When he isn’t preoccupied with theological materials, he dabbles with indoor gardening, watches Korean media with his wife and eats Indian food with his son.


  1. “’Emanation and Remanation’: Trinitarian Self-Communication as the Ground and Goal of Human Participation in God in the Thought of Jonathan Edwards.” PhD thesis. Princeton Theological Seminary, 2011.

Courses taught

  1. TS101: Christian Theology for Everyday Life
  2. TS211 and TS212: Christian Theology I & II
  3. TS252: Christian Ethics
  4. TS217: Salvation in Christ
  5. TS/CS209 Beholding the Beauty (Team teaching with Anthony Siow)
  6. CS211: Ancient Wisdom for Everyday Christianity: Reading the Spiritual Classics of Christianity (with effect from 2018)
  7. CS101: Christian Spirituality I: Foundations for Everyday Life (Team teaching with Lai Pak Wah)
  8. CS102: Christian Spirituality II: Practices for Discernment and Discipleship (Practicum launched 2018)
  9. MM100: Discerning Your Life (Team teaching with Lai Pak Wah)
  10. MM103: Christians in a Disruptive and Digital World (Team teaching with Lai Pak Wah)
  11. BGST Church History Tour: Reformation to 20th Century (2017)

Published Works

  1. “The Doctrine of the Trinity in John Wesleys Prose and Poetic Works,” Journal for Christian Theological Research 7 (2002): 3-14; available for download here; republished in (November 2023).
  2. Review of The Social God and the Relational Self: A Trinitarian Theology of the Imago Dei, by Stanley J. Grenz, Koinonia Journal 15 (2003): 150-153.
  3. “Calvin’s Doctrine of Our Union with Christ,” Quodlibet Online Journal of Christian Theology and Philosophy 5, no. 4 (October 2003).
  4. A Trinitarian Ontology of Missions,” International Review of Missions 93, no. 369 (April 2004): 279-296.
  5. “Trinitarian Action in the Incarnation,” in Jonathan Edwards as Contemporary: Essays in Honor of Sang Hyun Lee, ed. Don Schweitzer (New York: Peter Lang, 2010), 127-150.
  6. Fullness Received and Returned: Trinity and Participation in Jonathan Edwards (Fortress Press, 2014). Reviews in Theopolis Institute, Themelios, Jonathan Edwards Studies, Religion & Theology.
  7. “Jonathan Edwards’s Dynamic Idealism and Cosmic Christology,” in Idealism and Christian Theology, ed. Joshua R. Farris and S. Mark Hamilton (Bloomsbury Academic, 2016).
  8. “Incarnation,” in The Jonathan Edwards Encyclopedia, ed. Harry S. Stout (Eerdmans, 2017)
  9. “Learning from Jonathan Edwards: Toward a Trinitarian Theology of Action and Contemplation”, in The Global Edwards, ed. Rhys S. Bezzant, Australian College of Theology Monograph Series (Wipf & Stock, 2017).
  10. “Anthropology, Affections, and Free Will,” in The Oxford Handbook of Jonathan Edwards, ed. Douglas A. Sweeney and Jan Stievermann (OUP, 2021); online copy available here.
  11. “Holy Spirit,” in Reformed Dogmatics in Dialogue: The Theology of Karl Barth and Jonathan Edwards, ed. Uche Anizor and Kyle Strobel (Lexham Academic, 2022).
  12. “Trinity in Early Christianity,” in The Triune God, Ethos Institute Engagement Series, ed. Roland Chia (Sower Publishing Centre, Bible Society of Singapore, 2022).
  13. “Sanctification as Reiterative and Gradual: Jonathan Edwards’s Nod toward Luther and Calvin,” in Offering the Light: Essays in Honour of Philip Satterthwaite on the Occasion of His Retirement, ed. Quek Tze-Ming, Kwa Kiem-Kiok, and Leow Wen Pin (Graceworks, 2022).
  14. “Spiritual Darkness and Desertion,” in Jonathan Edwards and Reformed Dogmatics, ed. Kyle Strobel and Christina N. Larsen (Lexham Academic, forthcoming).
  15. “Discipleship as Spiritual Parenting: Contemplating Mary as an Eikon of the Father,” in Transformation Theology: Interdisciplinary, Biblical, Theological, Practical, and Integrated Perspectives, ed. Charles Ringma and Athena Gorospe (Langham Global, forthcoming).

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