Leadership Formation
At Centre for Christian Leadership, we believe that true leadership emanates from a deep well of spiritual wisdom and a heart aligned with Christ’s love and purpose. As such, we seek to integrate leadership formation with theological reflection undergirded by substantial spiritual formation practices in our programmes, and provide platform for collaborative growth and mutual encouragement, so that leaders can thrive in their learning and deepen their love of Christ.
Certificate in Christian Leadership

To support churches in their foundational leadership training, the Certificate in Christian Leadership (CXL) provides the fundamentals of self, interpersonal, team and organisational leadership for marketplace and church leaders.
The CXL emphasizes theological basis and practical frameworks needed for effective leadership, undergirded by spiritual formation practices.
This programme is designed for spiritual leaders in churches, ministries (e.g. Young Adults or Senior ministries), parachurch organisations, and also Christian marketplace professionals who desire to steward their lives well and bring about transformative impact in their world.
For more detailed information on CXL please view our brochure: bgst.xyz/cxl-brochure
CCL will soon offer stand-alone Leadership Elective Courses designed to complement and enhance your ongoing leadership development journey.
Updates and course details to come!