Welcome to BGST!

BGST was established in 1989 with the vision that all Christians may become effective ambassadors for Christ wherever God calls them. To do so, however, they must become ‘theologically mature as they are professionally competent’. To be able to work out how God’s Word may be applied in God’s World – at their workplaces, churches, and the communities they serve in.

Since then, we have become a postgraduate school dedicated to equipping marketplace Christians with flexible, relevant, and quality theological education. To date, we have trained more than 5,000 marketplace Christians from teachers, bankers and engineers to lawyers, civil servants, and pastors.

Our dreams for BGST students are these:

i. That they can exemplify Christ’s love to their colleagues and friends – wherever they are called. And in so doing, attract many to Christ.

ii. That they have a deep conviction of God’s calling and purposes for their lives. Having integrated their faith with every aspect of their lives, they lead wisely and courageously in churches, marketplaces, and communities.

iii. They can play an active role as thought-leaders, tackling the ‘wicked’ problems of our day – from climate change, digital disruptions to aging societies, political conflicts and shifting cultural norms, so that our societies can flourish.

Going forward, we seek to partner closer with churches to equip marketplace Christians. We also seek to co-create with industry practitioners to develop new theological perspectives to the challenges of the marketplace and contemporary culture.

Whether you are a new student, a church, or an industry practitioner, we welcome you to the BGST community, and a journey of equipping Christians to make a positive difference in their churches, workplaces, and communities.

Dr Lai Pak Wah

(Principal, BGST)

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